Wow! Vail, Colorado. My poor, pitiful amount of training could not even prepare me for the high altitude here. Despite the fact that I was barely breathing, it was perfect!

We arrived in Denver Friday evening and battled the rush hour traffic, then over the Continental Divide to get to Vail. Reports were calling for snow all night, but when we arrived at our hotel in Avon there was still no sight of the fluffy stuff. However, we awoke the next morning to the walkways outside sporting a thin, one inch layer of the powder! Yay! I could wear my new boots! Sadly, tying them on took the wind out of me. How am I going to fare with snowboarding?
I am happy to say snowboarding Vail did not disappoint! The mountain was gorgeous. There are enough trails for an intermediate snowboarder like me to enjoy.
The only problem for snowboarders are the catwalks. I can't stress this enough so I will use all CAPS. IF YOU ARE SNOWBOARDING VAIL, PAY ATTENTION TO THE
TRAIL MAP FOR THE CATWALKS! There is not enough slope here to maintain your speed. I found myself having to take off one foot and push myself along. At many points I took the entire board off and just walked. If you plan to go, ask around for the best intermediate/beginner trails that would avoid most catwalks. I found the locals would be happy to help and share their knowledge about the mountain.
One snowboarder passed me as I was walking and she had a ski pole that helped propel her along. "What a great idea" I told her as she passed by.
She called back out "Girl, she's my best friend!"
I should've known better than to take a trail named "Brisk Walk." The only positive thing that came out of this was the extra calories I burned. But most of all, I had the opportunity to just stop and take it all in. I felt the peace and wonder on this trail all alone with the most beautiful view. I had to quietly stand there for a minute and take a deep breath. Not because of the high altitude and the exertion, but simply because the sight was absolutely breathtaking.
Overall, we had the best two days on the mountain. My husband lived in Vail for 3 years in the Eighties. Unfortunately, his memory of the catwalks were a little faded. But he did say the snow and powder days are amazing. He says they call it "ego" snow because it's so easy and fun to ride that it does wonders for your ego.
Blue Skies on the second day! |
The first day, it snowed most of the day, but it was such a light snow that it didn't bother me at all - no white out or blizzard conditions. The next day it was gorgeous and sunny! You couldn't ask for a better day. It was early in the season, so the mountain was not crowded at all. I remembered my love for the being in the mountains and enjoying the feeling of riding on my board. It's been way too long.
Next ski trip? Breckenridge, CO in late January! I'm so ready. This time, I will study the trail map and ask around for tips and suggestions.