Thursday, April 11, 2019

Heading Back to the US?

For Trenton's fall break we're headed back to the United States. well, at least a US territory, that is.  The beautiful and little known island of Saipan.  Saipan is one of the islands in the group called the Marianas, which includes Guam.  I'm sure you haven't heard too many travel websites luring you to visit Saipan, so you're probably wondering why.

Well, 75 years ago, June 14, 1944, Private First Class Paul R Thompson, Brian's father was part of the Battle of Saipan.  Papa, as we so lovingly call him, earned his Purple Heart storming the beach in Saipan.  This weekend, we're bringing his Purple Heart there.  We're returning to the island to experience the rich WWII history, explore the culture and dive the numerous wrecks.

This is the letter that was sent to his mother. We really take for granted how quickly news travels now.